I've been using a hairstraightener almost daily for a couple of years, and i found that no matter what i do (condition every time i wash it, use L'orial hair protection) it still gets damaged. Does anyone know what i'm doing wrong?
I'm using a CHI iron, btw
Damages from a hair straightener.?
using a chi iron actually can be more damaging to your hair.... here's why: flat iron from walgreens or other places do not get as hot as a chi.... they max maybe 200*, where as a chi can get well up to 400*... the hotter the more damaging. Aquage makes an amazing product call thermal styler. It is amazing! I would also recommend do a deep conditioner treatment once a week... hydra-cure by purology is the best I think by far. It's all about proctective products... from a salon! walgreens products are crap....
Damages from a hair straightener.?
you need to switch off every other day from straightening.....your just gonna damage your hair more....try scrunching it to make it curly....another thing is to straighten it and not wash your hair for a few days because that would help you to not have to restraighten it every day.
Damages from a hair straightener.?
well i think no matter what kind of conditioner r using if u r stil using tha straightener ur hair will still be a lil damaged!! but u can also just go get a hair cut more often!!
Damages from a hair straightener.?
First off try not to straighten daily. maybe straighten one day and not wash for a day or too. Your killling your hair! you need to let it bee for a few days. First off rememeber to get a trim every 2-3 months and use a nourishing shampoo and conditioner. Its also good to get a hot oil treatment and use weekly. And its even best if you wrap your head in a hot towle for 20 minutes with the iol in it. also try to use a 100% real boar bristle brush. (it works the natural iols through your hair to the ends.) if you get in the habit of doing tat very night, it will work! But most of all, try maybe at leats twice a week, to let your hair natural dry and maybe put it ina nice bun. its very cute and it helps your hair a lot!! there is a product that wrosk wonders and it all natural. its by burts and bees and its called avacado hair treatment. now there are two different one, dont get the " beofre shampoo one" well i havent tried it so maybe try it, but i know for a fact the other one works! its a mask for your hair! and i love it! Avacado had natural iol in it so it helps it be stronger, gives it more shine and protects it.
That reminds me, also get a sun screen for the hair. its a spray in and that helps blockl the sun and your scalp. good Luck!
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