my hair is terrible and you will find tangles every part of my hair! i'm fed up! so i want to straighten my hair without using any source of heat or any hair costumes, i just wanna know how to straighten it? maybe comb it while it is wet?
How can i straighten my hair without using hair straightener and any source of heat?
ok, just wash it then and wrap it tight around your head by combing it and secure with a bandana. That is the closest it will come to straight if you don't want to do those other things
How can i straighten my hair without using hair straightener and any source of heat?
I dont think there are any options of getting your hair straight with out any use of heat or chemicals. I was going to say blow dry it straight but again thats heat.
How can i straighten my hair without using hair straightener and any source of heat?
blow dry ur hair from the top. hold it staight bown. if u dont wanna use heat like u said then try the john freeda frizz-ease line of shampoo and conmditioner for straight hair. my sister has really wavy hair and she used the straighting shampoo and her hair turned out sooo straight!! im tellin u. it works!!
How can i straighten my hair without using hair straightener and any source of heat?
use the frutice hair straightning shampoo or frizz ease or the new shampoo straightening system and conditioner if not thse any straightening shampoo then comb it straight with a straightining serum or use the waxes or frizz ease for frizzy hair when it is towel dry afte the shower and on bad hair days use a little bit of straightening gel straight on dry hair...and if you wash your hair kess often cause it leaves natural ois wich restoresdamadged hair and wighs down curls and waves and your hairs natural oils are best to keep your hair healthy and use more combs not brushes or curved brushes those cause static wich causes frizz
How can i straighten my hair without using hair straightener and any source of heat?
well i think that u should use staightners that is wat normal people use to staighten there hair
How can i straighten my hair without using hair straightener and any source of heat?
everytime you wash your hair, make sure you use conditioner. don't comb your hair when it is still wet. it will make your hair even worst.
How can i straighten my hair without using hair straightener and any source of heat?
If you want to straighten it a really good way, buy a perm for your hair and keep combing it straight while solution is in your hair and when you are done your hair will be straight, it really works and if you want to curl it you can do it also. This is an easy way to do it without a flat iron or as my girls use to do using an iron.
How can i straighten my hair without using hair straightener and any source of heat?
You can get a perm or just grease youyr hair andcomb it and then wrap it up. After that your hair should be straight.
How can i straighten my hair without using hair straightener and any source of heat?
Either buy a wig or buy hair straightners. No other way.
How can i straighten my hair without using hair straightener and any source of heat?
You could get it chemically straightened in a salon. It is a simple thing. Plus then you would not have to use a straightener. It seems that you would not choose this solution as it can be damaging to the hair. It does not involve much heat, but is damaging none the less.
Some people dry their hair with a blow dryer and round brush. You can put the hairdryer to a cool setting and still dry your hair. It is a less damaging solution than the chemical straightening.
Other than those two possible solutions, I cannot see any other way to fix your hair problem.
Without heat there are few ways to straighten hair. Combing your hair while it is wet will get rid of the tangles and knots, but will not allow your hair to be much straighter than it is naturally.
How can i straighten my hair without using hair straightener and any source of heat?
Try deep conditioning. Definitely it won't make your hair poker straight. But I have wavy hair, and Ive noticed my hair appears more straight when it's well conditioned.
How can i straighten my hair without using hair straightener and any source of heat?
Use Bed Head Control freak shampoo and contitioner. I know you don't want to use products but to finish off, use control freak extra extra straight after shampooing and conditioning. It works for me and I have wavy/big curls hair.
How can i straighten my hair without using hair straightener and any source of heat?
I find that if I put my hair in a ponytail when its wet, the top part will be straight once it's dry. I'm sure that if put anything on your hair while it's drying that keeps it straight, it will dry straight.
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