I have curly hair, but it gets too poofy in the back sometimes, products dont really work, I use gel and hairspray, but it wont keep it down in the back so will getting a wet to straight straightener work, if I only do some of my hair but not all of it?To take it down a little but still have ita good wavy look? If so, what kind, remington, revlon or what?
Wet To Straight Hair Straightener?
How about you straighten your hair dry, (maybe shower the night before so your hair will be dry in the morning when you need to get ready) and then straighten it and then curl it with a large barrel curling iron for waves, and make sure to lightly spritz with John Fredia Beach blonde sea waves to make your hair want to do the "wave thing" then finish with hairspray. Then your hair wont get fried and be even more poofy in the back!
Wet To Straight Hair Straightener?
wet to straight straighters will fry you hair so bad.
Wet To Straight Hair Straightener?
DO NOT buy a wet to straight iron. they are horrible no matter how great the brand. they will fry your hair like no other.
Wet To Straight Hair Straightener?
i had a wet to strait and i thought it worked fine. it didnt fry my hair to bad, but i have very thick hair. thinner hair will burn to a crisp. lol. but only straitening part will not look good. because the straitener does work very well...it will be super strait. try curling the back, where it goes poofy, with a curling iron. and make sure to tease it and make it look like your natural hair, the heat and hairspray will make it hold better than just gel.
best wishes
Wet To Straight Hair Straightener?
Both my son %26amp; I have extremely curly hair. He has a Remington wet2straight currently, it will definitly straighten your hair, but you will have no wavy look %26amp; yes I agree with the previous answers. DO NOT get one, he is 17,uses his every day %26amp; his hair is fried, I can't convince him how terrible it looks when I find broken off hair all over the bathroom sink.
Here is what I do, but I am not after the really straight look %26amp; my hair is really thick to make it "poofy" like you describe. Find a good stylist, %26amp; get the poofy parts thinned out from the bottom, layer it. Use a small amount of the glossing oil stuff, or Wella deep conditioner. (I like Wella in the tub, use only a couple teaspoons %26amp; do not rinse it off %26amp; my hair is halfway down my back so you can see how little you use). It will be soft, manageable %26amp; lay down just right with a good cut %26amp; thining in the correct spots. To dress it up a bit for a night out or special occasion, you can use a ceramic curling iron with a 1 1/2 or 2 inch barrel %26amp; you will just have big bunchy spiral curls, you can tuck up, dangle around your face or how ever you like it. Just don't use the curling iron every day.
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